Labor Market intelligence Odessa College conducts research on economic conditions and the labor market in the
Permian Basin in support of the College's mission to ensure the region has a globally
competitive workforce. This includes producing downloadable dashboards, reports, and
publications on in-demand occupations and industry sectors, hiring trends, and other
economic indicators. This website provides faculty, students, employers, economic
development organizations, other education institutions, community-based organizations, and
workforce development boards in the Permian Basin region with access to these regularly
produced data products.
Interactive dashboards
Use the interactive dashboards linked below to explore regularly updated economic
and demographic information for the Permian Basin region, as well as labor market information
related to in-demand occupations, OC degree programs, and OC continuing education
classes (best viewed on a laptop or desktop computer).
Use the FULL SCREEN option on the bottom right to increase size of information.